Harming subsidies

If you listen to  the Hill Farmers

bleat about the way

they farm to make a bloody loss

and expect us all to pay

sheep really are the culprits

they gnaw away all day

roots and shrubs and seeds are lost

and it happens come what may


and the governments can’t wait

to give them money

habitats are ruined

its out there

green subsidies are handed out

these Pillar 2 repayments

but basically the fuel

is more despair


we let the farmers ruin

the shared environment

then pay them  to make the minor changes, and

a little is put back

but no one sees the flack

flying every which way

from  the land




trees and shrubs

and woodland even

hedgerows all torn up

and the mincing teeth of sheep

then overrun

we are ruining the countryside

though of course it is denied

Taxpayers pay

and farmers say

there’s none


what was once great forests

habitat for wild life

is now a sterile land

that can’t support

birds and insects

wildlife in particular

and it matters not

its just not in our thought

They are known as  Farming subsidies

but  actually harming subsidies

the ecosystem torn down and destroyed

we support the  degradation

its seems its our salvation

when short term corporate profit

is employed







About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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