Time for thought


we’ve all been there

we probably witnessed grief

we may have seen  some animal abuse

no matter, how brief


we may have  seen dissection

or possibly much more

but did it register to the extent

it got into our core


and sat there kind of festering

until there was more light

some opening, some expression

clearly then finite


exposure is a course away

its internalized, and we

kind of bottle it all up

until it does break free



and in that powerful thought process

some deviance occurs

some anti social miasma

that kind of well just spur’s


us on to try out new idea’s

and recall the hurt we saw

does it, would we do this

would we experiment what for?


children may have distinct thoughts

but why would we create

a platform for abusing

why would that dictate


an action from us based upon

something  in our past

some psychotic trigger

where a die was cast


children do some nasty things

to insects, so they do

even perhaps to pets sometimes

this concept isn’t new


varying souls were sacrificed

perhaps along the way

but does this lead to

worse abuse

what does the future say


watching abuse and knowing

and hearing and feeling it too

has it all been locked away

where a silent avenue


not trodden by the soles of man

for a decade maybe two

then forced into the limelight

to be whetted by the   dew

by a mishap that occurred

a snapping of the fingers

resting on a word



that woke the latent soul up

that forces springs to sail


where in lies

that  coil about to fail


abuse of animals or of children

come into our thoughts

pathological insights

like electrical current shorts


that send the sparks a flying

the, after shock that’s great

the perils of remembering

why we had to wait


a child may just consider

the abuse that he witnessed, and

never considered it right or wrong

nor dared to   understand


a time for thought immeasurable

others to look and see

and surmise the child was carrying

a sort of latency


fashioned on past moments

stored with ill aplomb

a slowed gait to delineate

perhaps the ticking bomb















About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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