They are ungrateful sadly and its lac of understanding (me)

why are we so misunderstood

really I try to do what I should

if she’s kind to me

I reciprocate

I mean to say that is my trait


so I fetch a headless mouse

and lay

it gently where its going to stay

where mum can see it

when she comes down

yes still in her dressing gown


she shrieks and seem so upset

but this is agreat gift from her pet

yes from me my pride and joy

its quite a feat to catch a boy


they are unthankful

they dont seem to care

they do not see me sitting there

for hours on end

waiting for

a ,mouse to leave

his old house door


then I must pounce with all my might

smother him for that is right

tear his head of with one claw

that is what my one claw’s for


lay it carefully on the mat

for mummy what does she think of that

she screams her head off

and I get the brunt

of all of that and then she will grunt


for weeks about it

under her breath

about the mouse

and its death

about the blood trail on the floor

and how  her heart is sad and sore


us cats don’t have a lot of voice

and really very little choice

perhaps a song bird or a mouse

a dried up spider in the house


but its never seen as a gift at all

its something we’ve brought in and let it fall

in a place where we forget it was there

designed to give our host a scare


nothing could be further from the true

thats not what we want to do

it is a our gift  of thanks so they

continue giving them every day






About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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