The price of Australian bacon

Inside an Australian Slaughter house

the gas chamber to be

pigs, are going frantic

this is insanity

human beings orchestrating

such vile lunacy

to every poor  young pig

that has to die

this has to be?

this is vile beyond all words

its depravity.


goddess help them, you

who chomp on salty bacon

start your day, I urge

you to take a look at this

it should bloody purge

your every thought thereafter

Australians must see

the kind of evil going on

the rank, cruelty


pigs are very sensitive

pigs do understand

they really know what’s going on

and how underhand

human beings clearly are

in slaughterhouses, where

they are subject to such abuse

when they are so aware



consumers in their kitchens

and in the superstore

cannot be aware of what they go through

its a war

those doing this to animals

have to be insane

for no one in their right minds

could ere do this again



delusional insanity

how can they watch this, they

are brutal beyond anything

most have seen,  a way

beyond what any animals should ever

have to bear

gassing them together

all the family members there



you can feel all that emotion

and devotion to each other

you can see the siblings

hear their cries

who watch their darling mother

slaughtered bashed about her head

and this before their eyes

its the most inhumane behaviour

which of course they realize


you can feel the pigs are hating

are bleating in distress

its horrible to see this

they are under such duress

anybody seeing this

would never eat again

bacon never! not if they were

supposed to be sane


they are in a furore

raving, trying hard

to leap out of their prison

clearly very scarred

just by this experience

their terror it does show

crazed and driven bonkers

by the low life shit who know



what these pigs are going through

if they had half a brain

they should be sacked and charged

and jailed and not be let out again

to push sweet pigs to this degree

of frenzied mania,we

have to be seen as crazy

which nobody should be


bacon pork whatever if only

people knew

the agony the evil the darkness

from the crew

involved in all the killing

the torture and the pain

this is not what any human

would want to see again


the frenzy you can cut the air

with a knife it is so sick

it tears into your guts and makes you ache

why  are they thick

how can they be human

Australia,my God

gas chambers gassing little pigs

each and every sod


involved in this should get their marching orders

right away

or be gassed as these poor pigs are

and make the companies pay

this is evil darkness

this is a crime scene, they

have to be locked up and whipped

and then led away


their mental states

must be questionable

their rancour makes me puke

totally irrational

clearly its no fluke

they are a bunch of sadists

notoriously vile

not an ounce of humility

not a gram of style

odious and unlovable

how can they ever be

married to a women

who waits for them to be

a lover

they are monsters

and the stink of blood and gore

their bitterness and malice

from their very core

repellant and so nauseous

alienated by

what they have done to the sweetest souls

that in so much pain die




About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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