The Ingratitude of Canada

The ingratitude

for that is what it is

the arrogant thought

creation blessed you with

wild seals

trusted you in short

and you now as a Nation

snubbed your noses and

employed louts to come kill them

and drive them from the land

you look a gift horse in the mouth

when you take the babies out

you murder them in the coldest blood

it is surely the vilest rout

of any souls now anywhere

for its babies that you kill

to date 53,000

their precious blood

you spill

and you do it in the most violent


smashing them with poles

ripping out their tiny brains

and sending their sweet souls

to somewhere they find solace

for you clearly now are

a bunch of murdering loutish creeps

who bludgeon and who scar


The ingratitude of canada

I purposefully use a small c

for what you do in the name of fish

really cannot be

its an insult for humanity

for most of us don’t share

any obligation to the Sealers


they are a bunch of violent louts

there is no need to do

any of this killing

and that in fact is true

and so you make this annual hunt

and slaughter as you do

because you have no empathy

nor compassion that’s my view

no sense of obligation

unmindful of the way

you were rewarded with their presence

and you made them pay


I can’t imagine any government any where

who feels

its right to kill them as you do

probably it reveals

a psychopathic tendency to kill

and to take out little babies

and, do this until

the world says it has got to stop

this carnage is too much

the protests and the poetry

somehow does not touch

you lot and that’s very sad

for it shows me who you are

a sad sick race of people

whose lousy Government are far


thoughtless and uncaring

and arrogant




About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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