The Grind

The sea is red

the whales are dead

and a little boy stands there

an islander

what does he think

how can he think

or care


joyful pods of pilot whales

the ocean was their soul

the Faroe Islands grind was on

that how they lost control


butchered complete families

torn to shreds, their pain

their blood soaked flesh

so obvious

to the locals half insane


I say half these marauders

plundering away

slicing chunks off living souls

how is this okay?


how is this acceptable

in this day and age

this egregious terror

this larceny, this rage


how can sentient humans

ever stoop so low

to slaughter tiny babies

that never now will grow


and do it front of their parents

its a fearsome fright

an emotional disaster

that turns a day to night

thrashing in the salty sea

blood spurting to the sky

exposing all their organs

still beating as they die


mothers seeing children

slaughtered torn apart

mothers seeing fathers

and uncle’s as they part


this world all torn a’sunder

by the brutality of man

who doesn’t need to do this

whose souls gone down the pan


whose evil and whose culture

describes the suffering they

eke out on the innocent

at a  price too high to pay



The Faroe Islands sicken me

directly to my core

they are a boorish bunch of slobs

feasting on the gore


each one tearing cutting slashing

violence  dark and depraved

the sea is red

the whales are dead

not one of them was saved



About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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