“Quatro” ( this should never have happened)

10 year old’s

in a playground in New Jersey

a cat named “Quatro”

got a lot  of pain

a gang its said deliberately

attacked him

with bricks and bottles

and this tiny cat

would never see again


one of his eyes was torn

out, and the agony

2 boys tried to rescue

this sad soul

and one of the teachers

went to a cat rescue place

but with such  injuries

it lost control

no one ever could  forget

that little face

so brutalized and frightened

you could see

the fear was in it every stare

in fact the fear was everywhere

that little cat was beaten



a bunch of nasty vile despicable


and one little hero

who had tried

to save “Quatro”

but it appeared impossible

and “Quatro” sadly and painfully

he died


This is a case for Bastet the Goddess

of Felines

to roar so loud and let those

children see

that every life is precious

every life is for living

and those who end a life

so painfully

will suffer torment for their

part in all of  this

one week off of school

it won’t be all they get

this evil it will follow

them now all their days and nights

and no doubt they will wake up in

a sweat

they will see the ghost of “Quatro”

in the darkness

he will of course

be bigger than before

what they did they will pay for

I can promise you

The gods are there and this act

they won’t ignore

throughout their miserable lives

the cat will haunt them

and far into the future

they will feel

the bricks and bottles

slamming down opon their  heads

and in the march of time

it will reveal

to them, such pain and misery

and suffering

all of them will never live this down

a haunting message follows all abusers

and in its stupor one day

they will drown





About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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