
Kelly thought his luck had changed

In Jakarta he was born

at 6 weeks taken to a nunnery

and then came the scorn


then came the neglect

and the cruelty

maidens born to serve

the whole community


realized their fluffy charge

grew up and had to be

fed and watered and loved and cared for

and they dint hear his plea


of yes they were hard working

oh yes but they thought he

could just look after his own self

and neglected him you see


locked him in a rusty cage

and left him to himself

threw him bits of food sometime

and left him on the shelf


for the parasites to come and feast

for the mange to tear his skin

for the heart to break

they were such a fake

Kelly couldn’t win


his health broke down

his heart got broke

nobody cared to see

he was left to his own devices

and nobody wanted to be


his nurse or his carer

his friend or his foe

they just neglected him

as he did grow

the mange took him over

the parasites too

they came and they ruined his skin

and he drew


pain and emotion from all this neglect

not one of those nuns did ever inspect

his poor skin, his mouth nobody cared

as nuns go  alas nobody shared


anything with him

just passed him by

that’s why he had a big tear in his eye

he has been rescued

the nuns were a pain

so he will not be going back

to them again




About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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