How brave this breed of hunters is
he takes his toddlers too
takes them into harms way
its seems the thing to do
the harm is coming
from him though
the wild beast
wouldn’t dare
come near a great white hunter
with bravery to spare
they live where they were put
created so to do
the forest with their families
they live their whole life through
the man he is man of action
camouflaged and he
so full of confidence
marches forth
and kills incessantly
he has his trust rifle
and is a decent shot
canned hunted is his forte
he just likes it a lot
the animals come to him
he just sits there and waits
they lure the leopard
to the exact spot
all of this grates
my nerves and to introduce a toddler
to this sick affair
and have a photograph
with the baby there
to me its so damn sickening
its 100% despair