the corporate takeover began
some 50 years ago
Britains green and pleasant land
not the boost that really it should have done
I know
which would have made me
so much more relieved
The factory farm became the unit
to supply the supermarket
giants who
had stolen business from the little shops
around the place
and now what they were really trying
to do
was create a massive buying
threatening producers
who at that time had threatened little shops
now their power was forced away
as the supermarkets grew
and put pressure then on prices
which the public never knew
animals became commodities
farms were taken over
the green grass and the
idyllic scenes of animals in clover
were replaced by concentration camps
by reasons to increase
margins by begrudging those sweet
animals their peace
rumination thts was with the sunshine on their backs
was cancelled it was concrete stalls
and repeated attacks
abuse and hours of terror
cruelty galore
the voiceless they were suffering
like they never had before
every one of them took a hit
pigs and sheep and cows
ducks and chickens suffered
death rates rose, they house
hundreds packed together
like a rush hour train they live
de beaked de tailed and castrated
without painkillers
to give
such surgical operations to labourers
it does mean
more margin for whoever
but the systems
were obscene
abuse is really widespread
frustration and lack of pay
long hours and poor conditions
means the animals must obey
the animals must expect abuse
expect the cruelty
their lives are feeling evilness
in their sad obscurity
from birth to death
its purgatory
in karmic overdrive
many of the sweetest souls
just cannot survive
they end up lame or quivering
on their faeces ridden floor
covered in maggots and crying
like they never did before
this is the price of supermarkets
who fight among themselves
flexing their languid muscles
and filling up their shelves
with produce and such cruelty
such agony and pain
whilst abusing the environment
with the planet under strain
palm oil pesticides GMO’s
Agent Orange, we
see not only animals dying
but of course the Bee
this vile commercial outcome
this gigantic corporate scheme
annihilated corner shops
and became the darkest dream
we are all taken for granted
oh we get loads of choice
but actually in reality
we don’t have a voice
the animals are threatened
they are slaughtered in great pain
and from birth to death
its hell on earth
so the bully boys gain
blood and guts and snot and everything else besides
are taken from these animals
and we take that in our strides
we close our ears and eyes
and hearts
and just demand to know
when things are getting cheaper
expecting the hen to crow
but the stranglehold is
complete and what we see
is horrific in the world of animals rights
and accordingly
the public seems so au fait
to the present dark regime
and torture is now everywhere
its become a real black stream
there are some angels out there
animals rights souls who
and to fight their corner day and night
its what they try to do
what St George did to the dragon
but its very very hard
for the corporate fists are many
and there’s only one, AR bard