China and Taiwan and the dog and cat meat trade

There are children in China

and Taiwan you know

with a pet cat or dog

the numbers do grow

children who love their pets

children who care

being closer to animals

we are all more aware

of life on all levels

they teach us to see

they show us their love

and complete loyalty


those are gifts they were born with

and they help us too

appreciate our friends

as animals do

Sadly in China and Taiwan

we see

some very bad people

and they want to be

making a living

by catching our pets

buy stealing our cats and dogs

to pay their debts


they are the heartless

they care for no one

they go around the streets

as many have done

they steal precious pets

to be sold far away

to be bought by consumers

who eat them

to pay

such a price

as a loyal dog or cat

is too much

and I as a human

must stay in touch

with my feelings for animals

who come to be

our teachers, our carers

our friends actually


Dogs at Yulin suffer


their discomfort is awful

as some of us see

such heartache

such mournfulness

and adversity

because of bad people

who just want to be


ahead of their game

in a sick world now where

animals are led

to a life of despair

manhandled and tortured

and slaughtered just so

people can eat them

which some of you know


some talk of culture

of tradition and we

look upon those people

for tragically

they are the unenlightened

deluded and sick

they live in the darkness

they know every trick

in the book

but they sadly

are heartless and they

treat our loyal friends

in the most despicable way


Yulin dog Festival as it is called

needs to be closed down

the people there hauled

up through the courts

for a long spell in jail

for clearly they have

all gone off the rail


dealing in larceny and murder and pain

lets support those who are trying

to stop this






About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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