British Heart Foundation

A British Heart Foundation shop in Fulham

and a band of animal angels to the fore

informing those who come along

the passers by  just what is wrong

the voiceless get short shrift here

that we’re sure


the moneys being collected

go into vile research

very cruel experiments

which actually do besmirch

their solid reputation

for tragically they do

enter into cruelty

and all of this isn’t new


The British Heart Foundation

can now change its tune

your money or their life

for death is coming soon

to lots of innocent animals

that are cut about to try

and research into the British heart

and that’s why many die



animals don’t need this torture

have a heart we say

you earn a lot of revenue

and can afford to pay

for the humane testing policies

not the evil nasty stuff

that’s is why we protest

because they have had enough


listen to them screaming

listen to them cry

imagine what it does to them

they try to ask us why

we allow experimentation

on the innocent abroad

who give their lives so BHF

do tests we can’t afford



their red shops talk of charity

the blood they cause to flow

dogs and cats and mice and rats

all of them they know

and truthfully for people

to support shops that do this

shows a lack of true regard

they are people we should miss



the British heart Foundation

a noble cause you’d say

listen to the animals who died along the way

listen to them crying out

choking without breath

it really isn’t necessary

to offer only death


Humanity step forward

listen to the throng

shouting through their megaphones

we know there’s something wrong

researching into animals

you do not do that well

to The British Heart Foundation

you are sending them to Hell







About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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