The Universities all around the place
get financed for their science
and their projects
the disgrace
is they are often using
live animals and they
are dissecting them and torturing them
it seems it is their way
getting students doing this
is nasty and its cruel
but then the education programe
as a rule
can get funds and they get funds
and the animals do pay
kept in those laboratories
in cages all the day
primates many of them
suffer at their hands
vivisection yes so many die
they have their plans
and they do carry out these gruesome
experiments we know
and it should really not be
allowed to happen
its a blow
to me to see it happen
our youngsters tainted by
the really cruel experiments
before the animals die
its constant and unnecessary
that’s what makes me feel
these medical people working there
really arn’t for real
they just love killing animals
some of them I am sure
in my book all experimentation
I want to know what for
It breeds a type of student who
doesn’t appreciate their worth
they were not created and given life
that not why mothers all gave birth
just to be our victims
our experiments our slaves
those doing this are evil
they are no better than knaves