The seal looks up at his assassin

A seal looks up

and what does it see

a man with a pick axe

an assassin he be


paid by some corporation

to come and kill

smash down on his head

until he lies still



now he’s alive with ice all around

the blue sky above

and every sweet sound

of the sea birds and ice moving

under his feet

this is his world

a world so complete



and here is a murdering scum of a man

preparing to murder

that is his plan

creation was able to put

each seal here

till men  in their infinate wisdom appear


fish stocks the cry

its nothing to do

with fish stocks its seal skin

its profit for the few

its corporate mayhem

it  evil for sure

diablo has cometh

along the cold shore



ripping the hearts out of innocent souls

smashing their brains

with great scythiug poles

leaving them vomiting

on the packed snow

blood strewn their carcasses

rot their we know



skinned and their bodies

left just to be

the spitefulness


the severity

of how it is carried out

every day

Canada it leaves

me  with such dismay



vindictive resentful

violence we see

on an innocent seal

how can it be

justified really

what can one say

about malevolent pieces of shit

that now pay



their visits to angels

and slaughter them so

they are the anathema

foul mouthed we know

a meanacing group

with the hearts of the beast

vituperative  and ruthless

on blood lust they feast



these are paid morons

paid just to kill

to lash out at innocent creatures


all that is left is a heap

of smashed bones

bleeding and crying out

with those blood sucking drones


that sweep through our bodies

that sever our souls

that draw dark emotional scars

which controls

deep in our psyche

make suffering so

abyssmal and vile

and each year it does grow


Canada and Namibia

2 countries who

murder and sviolate

of course they do

for years they have massacred

seals and despite

all demonstrations

we are losing the light



losing the reasoning

losing the love

losing the sense

that we got from above

losing our mentality

losing our heart

and all that is left

are corpses on a cart


fish in the sea

polluted as hell

seals smashed to pieces

we do do that well

everywhere sees it

the hatred of man

YES vcreation creates

thats where it began








About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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