Rob Dickens I hear you are the man
creation of life was a great plan
the Bulls they had life
and we have life too
but the thrill seekers
seemingly do include you
and you have the arrogance
and think its right
to sacrifice Bulls
to me its a blight
on the souls of us all
to create this mayhem
and from a cold heart
and a soul this doth stem
killing and injuring animals
people who dont understand
whose thoughts are so shot away
senseless, in fact
run bulls through the streets
to see how they react
of course they are frightened
no one can tell
what they will do
for them it is Hell
and then there’s the people
who take on the dares
trying to aggravate them
these affairs
are truly a sadness
for everyone there
leading inevitably to
injuries will happen
animals too
Riverside Country Board
what is it with you
there’s nothing great about
slaughtering , we
shoud be more enlightened by now
I signed the petition
what good that will do
I just think your values
are broken in two
you dont realize the value of life
the bulls and your own
and import all this strife