The Badger boys and Princess Anne

These so called royals

who parade about in their riches

and their gowns

I have a dissociation

all that money drowns

out their lack of sympathy

and their  sponaneity

off hand ad hoc remarks to press

ill thought out  they be


” gas the badgers”

why I ask

what is it to her

they dont cause the TB strain

why would she infer

there is the need to slaughter to them

why enter the debate

its clear most of us think

the governmnet’s wrong

so to berate

the badger

he’s been suffering

at the hands of shavers who

use his hair for brushes

thats what people do




Fur appears to royalty

to be something that  they do

the bearskins for example

its not as if its a few


its lots of bears and lots of badgers

and lots of foxes too

everyone is suffering

and we dont know what to do


but we dont expect her chipping in

and strengthening the Governments hand

we do not now need killings

to echo across the land


its clear the poor old badgers

were scapegoats all the time

the Government plumped for murder

and the badgers became chyme


shot away and lost of course

so the farmers make some cash

it really was a liberty

that wild souls took the bash


a lot of them have lost their lives

so gassing them

would be

terrible and I am surprised

that Princess Anne should see


myriads of corpses gassed before her eyes

the squealing of the black and whites

the boys are very wise


her comments clearly are awry

who asked for her opinion 

clearly she’s part of the great devide

for their dominion was the swathes of

forest land

that stretches far and wide

with stipulation for road builders

and tunnels they provide




the public;s clear intentions

to do with the wild souls

is she thoroughly toxic

and under the controls

of the GM crowd completely

in her muti tude of dates

opening this or doing that

or the other sicko traits









About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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