Spain a country I will never go to ( cruel beyond words)

Not satisfied with torturing Bulls

pigs now get the chop

unbelievable cruelty

this whole thing has to stop

it seems to be getting worse and worse

what man is prepared to do

on camera to various sows

I am fucking clueless too


this brazen vile  despicable pain

they put this poor sow through

and laugh and joke about it all

how can these now do

this truly awful murdering play

sticking a great sword through

the body of a dying pig

clearly in full view


the photographer the two men

have to be put away

they are clearly all insane

making this pig pay

the ultimate the agony

the evil I can’t see

the shrieking and the terrible cries

this is infamy


this is murder on a scale

that nobody should see

its graphic and its violent and it just

should never be

Spain you are country of heathen rotten men

who do this stuff and think its funny

tell me goddess when


its over as they kill another  hitting it on its snout

over and over they belt it, the pain

I have no doubt

and before the poor soul’s sadly gives up and sort of  died

a stab wound in the back

and out through the skin they wrench its heart

what a mean attack


the pain must have been terrible

its cries I can’t forget

I cannot sleep I always will remember

and its set

hard in me forever its cries went on and on

a man  a bloody arm inside this living pig

that let


him violate her terribly

have been beaten to hell

crying like a baby

hiding in a shell

if these men have their women

and they now recognize

leave them never lay with them

or look into their eyes


they clearly are satanic monsters

#from the abyss they came

lying frightfully eyeing up another

claim to fame


The pigs in their charge Goddess

I dare not even feel

their pain is egregious

how can one conceal

such agony from anyone

this criminal intent

these pigs were bloody innocent

and were to heaven sent


in showers of blood and snot and gore

I can’t believe that, I

watched such sordid callousness

as the pigs laid down to die


and them me all thought it funny

laughing joking they

are the vilest men in all the world

thats what I now say









About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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