Pedro Ampuero
hunter and a brute
Red Deer and Fox killer
big smile
camouflage suit
he goes all over Europe
searching for his prize
and soon he’s off to Afrika
to bag the bigger guys
he goes around just killing
for the sake of it
for fun
he gets a high from seeing
the wild souls on the run
the Red deer and red Fox
darting through the glen
he’s a man who thinks
he’s got the balls
of at least 10 men
in fact to kill these creatures
proves he is no cop
as ignorant as the day in long
and why he will not stop
is because his troll like brain
has overcome all empathy
and for the natural world and animals
that dwell there tragically
so many have this violent bug
clearly freedom to
kill the wild folk despite the sin
is what they are compelled to do
evil trolls that’s what they are
lost to human kind
killing innocent wild life
shows me he has lost his mind
and lets hope out in Afrika
the bug guys have a go
and ambush this young hunter
who thinks he is a pro
some of them have to get mauled
really before they
realize the karmic debt
they accrued along the way