the infamy thats is foie gras
the arrogance that is seen
the evil of the human being
that’s tantamount to obscene
4 ducks were being taken
and a box flew off the truck
and landed on the highway
that was some degree of luck
a state trooper found the
box and told a sanctuary
2 ducks died 2 ducks lived
and now these 2 now be
being cared for being loved
not being tortured they
due to perhaps and act of god
were saved and so to say
foie gras would have condemned
them to a brutal end and they
would have had to undergo force feeding
until their livers did grow
ten times their size
induced by torture and depravity
to produce a liver so diseased
that it couldn’t function properly
and this inside a live bird
imagine that just feel
the agony the evil
for some fat arses meal
for some rich heartless specimen
for some rich nasty store
who profits from the bloody shame
of all that blood and gore
The trooper was an angel
clearly he saved those 2
they will live their lives out
not like so many who
are tortured out of existence
they face the wrath of those
bloody nasty corporates
who combined evil grows