Wild one’s and us

Living in the wild

and learning from the wild

helps a soul to contemplate

and really feel beguiled


for in this wild existence

great knowledge there is stored

the human talks of instinct

in them, often outlawed


we seek qualifications

from the university

the same place

where they slaughter


so willy nilly


involve themselves

in capturing wild primates

and they pay

to have them shipped around the world

to be cut up , my dismay


is evident

its in my genes

its in my spirit too

I may not think like many

but I do know what to do


the wild souls

got their knowledge

from the imprints in their brain

they were put here to be honest

to be  caring to be sane


about the ways they lived their lives

with respect for where they were

placed they faced its obstacles

and with it did concur



The little girl loved peanut butter

with, added palm oil

they added it to make it

much more saleable

the toil


of producing it was undermined

by the oil and label thing

which storage in a warm shop

can quite often bring


the natural oil over the label

and so a profit can

be made when you add palm oil

all part of the plan



the little girl was ignorant

the Orangutan was not

the red ape lived within the forest

and she quickly got


the meaning of the palm oil thing

the loss of rain forest trees

the loss of natural habitat

and all the wild souls plea’s


as for city dwellers

in their concrete mansions they

just went to the hyper super market



unaware of corporate profit

and arrogance abroad

they lived in their unnatural homes

and perished by the sword



of corporate profit creation

for the corporate and their board

at the expense of every living soul

now over awed


by what in fact is happening

to the environment we woo

its being stolen from us

by the rich and arrogant few


the orangutan had a message

the little girl did too

remember  she had parents

they bought the butter you


probably do the self same thing

lost in the jargon where

we can’t see what is  obvious

when that life we do not share






About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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