Canned hunting creep of all time

The knighthood my goddess

the knighthood

the Queen should have slipped with that


and cut off your head

yea thats what I said

Canned hunting is no reward


its a vile nasty business

and degrades the honour

no knight of the realm

ought to be

party to such

its really too much

all of this adversity


That Lion that you killed

it might have been thrilled

to have seen such an honourable


till you took out your rifle

and shot the poor Lion

you being out of a control


the Lion would have known you were human

he ‘s been around you types before

he was patted and cuddled

and has been in a cage

till your money went through his door


thats when he became your target

he couldn’t have escaped

if he tried

this was no hunt  David Scholey

his life alas you denied


sitting there posing with

a victim

a proud lion  who died

due to  you

and you so called knight

to me you are shite

doing the things that you do


a knight would have saved that

sweet creature

would have realised creation was great

would have joined with us

to cut out canned hunting

not kill and have that on your plate


its sinful to kill these wild creatures

its sick too for canned hunting stinks

and knights should not be

causing such tragedy

and its not only me now that thinks


this, we are one with each other

the great and the good of this world

fighting the evils of hunting

in the pressurised hell where we’re hurled

you and the likes of you have to

realize once and for all

canned hunting and those that do it

are about to have a big fall

into the abyss of your own making

its the worst evil and therefore, you

should dispose of that rifle

and put your money, into saving

them as some of us do


Dont gloat about what you did here

its the nastiest thing that youve done

its evil and sick

that poor Lion you did pick

shot him down out in the sun

he loved his life he was proud to be there

till the bullet you fired  cut him down

but you, well your karma is coming

and with it a lot of despair


perhaps you will realize that when it comes

its of you own making and be

at least much more gracious

than killing more lions

for its  at  summerland

flying free


but you on the other hand

wont reach that place

there are other places for you

we call them hell

but I wont hear tell

canned hunting

it just will not do








About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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