
Its always somebody else’s farm
its never our’s they say

newborn dairy calves shipped in

to face the light of day


the light is so provided

by the gangsters in the lot

manhandling the youngsters

some fixed to one spot


thrown about  like jetsum

tossed across the yard

kicked like some spent piece of shit

nobody to guard


these innocent young babies

they must think life is hell

these workers are the lowest form of life

under some spell



pulled by their ears

you can see their tears

the pain of thats immense

dragged shaking down onto the ground

it really makes no sense



grazing flesh and breaking bones

and tearing limbs away

punching holes in babies ears

they really have to pay


the piper to be born here

kicked and left to bleed

slung inside a hutch

how can they succeed


pining for their mothers

in need of milk, but they

wont get a drop not one drop

for they are made to pay



shoved and kiched and pummelled

wrenched out of the trucks

these are delicate creatures

and of course it sucks


to see this vilest treament

to hear the babies cry

to watch some of them thrown about

to realize some die



little delicate babies

they are as innocent a soul

as any ever born on earth

so why all this control


why all this cruel treatment

what have they done to

receive just evil goings on

as these bastards tend to do


Veal is it the answer

is it what babes are for

they were taken from their mothers

and pull hard through the door


loaded on a truck

and sent to the abattoir to die

these are little babies

their joy for life was high


the awful horrid dairymen

should get a kicking too

someone ought to cut their balls off

punch their ears  its true


we have not protected the voiceless

why the hell should they

put up with this resentment from the low life

every day


the video’s arn’t lying

these creeps they do need jail
but before that a good thrashing

for they are clearly off the rail


madness from their boredom

something in their head

to treat a tiny baby with no compassion

and so that said


we must stand up for baby calves

and stop this dreadful stuiff

the dairymen are bastards

and I have had enough


of reading about what we all do

ignore them let them be

kicked and scuffed and bloody well roughed

up, it seems to me


so we can steal their precious milk

and make our profits high

the only reason they even have them

is to reason why


a male calf doesn’t give out milk

but its a living soul

with a beating heart

and breathing lung

and wants to feel control


wants to feel the country air

and taste the fresh green grass

wants the sun upon its back

but of course the low life arse


is there to bloody murder it

to punch and kick and say

you are bloody worthless cow

get out of our way


and if your bloody injured

the bone bin is a place

where you fucking end up

with blood all on your face


the anger is apparent

the frustration it is too

these dairies really make me vomit

profiteers that screw


the life out of the innocent

give the babies hell

torure them and maim’ them

YES thats something they do well






About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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