Nevada where moon landings
often begin
a model an ignorant model
to win
hearts she decided
to kiss a Tiger
not a cub thats the rub
and its not just spin
an unlicensed premises
with issues, and
USDA have warned them
and fined them
she leaned over
and planted a kiss on its face
and could have been killed
it is a disgrace
how places like this
can exist
when we know
they have tortured the animals
they are the low
life of America
where hurt and harm
happen although
on this day
all was calm
Peta was onto it
making it clear
this place should be closed down
but it does appear
they get away with it
some turn a blind eye
whilst this model
might have just had to die
she got away with it
but what we wee here
is an instagram
with a high degree of fear