Sea Turtles in Australia

One wonders when creation

made the turtle in the sea

and also made the man who

lived around them wander free

did he the creator realize

that man

might hunt and kill

the turtle

what  was the great  plan

and is it relevant still?



to leave a soulful creature

upturned on the beach

and left to slowly suffocate

what really does that teach


who see the consequence

of ignorance and pain

of turtles left to slowly perish

what is there to gain?

from native acts allowing

such torture to become

normal in Australia

for really that does numb

the senses and the reality

for the cruelty we see

is tantamount to criminal

to evil which cannot be


no act designed to assist us

must create this anomaly

turtles must be  protected

or should be adequately

not left up to the ignorant

the tragic scenario

of dugong’s and of turtles

being tortured as we know



changes must be made to let

us see

the vile extent

we must be rewarded

for all were heaven sent

all deserve life honestly

the indigenous and those

who swim the high seas daily

and truthfully do not pose


any risk to anyone

they are peace loving and kind

and have to be protected

by humanities sweet mind


life as well we know it

is precious to us all

the indiegnous the turtles

all answer the call

of nature we are comrades

we are sharing this planet earth

and as such must be sensible

and know each others worth


About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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