Celestial bells
hold magical spells
positive perfumed
appealing cells
delicate forms
as the spring warms
each curl each whirl
we see
with its fragrance
its lure’s every nose in the land
and very few know
even less understand
there have been
who have worked on the top notes
worked on the top notes and they
worked with some wonderful witches
who worked on the mid notes
they say
and moonbeams and lace wings and
dragon fly queens
curled up in their cocoons
came by
the great Hyacinth opened her heart
for a moment
a sweet moment
as lovers sigh
the folds of her soul she exposed
as ostara danced in the sunlight
she came and presented
Aradia’s perfume Aradia’s eyes
burning bright
lilac and purple a great hologram
all of creation was there
where the hyacinth, rose
yes where ever it chose
it was so that its angels could share