“Green” a fine name for a victim of Palm oil

In the back of a truck

being rocked up and down

covered in dust

she’s green

and  a bit brown


she sleeps on a  bed

not up in a tree

she is all alone

the ceiling, she can see


a lizard by the clock

a web on a bough

she hears the wild whooping

the cry of a sow


the mists in the morning

the birds in the air

these dreams are her’s

and she wants to be there


but instead she’s inside

in a bed all alone

no trees to climb on

nothing she’s known



The Palm oil, operatives

making their dough

cutting down forests

they told her to go


now she is lost

in the human world, she

a lost cause she feels like

without a tree


what are we doing

why don’t we care

the red apes were born

and should always be there


all of this palm oil

it saturates

the lungs of the forest

it demonstrates


with all of the wisdom

with all of the care

with the making of life

and the beautiful air


profit and money

and margins  will be

useless to all of us

you wait and see


with the fresh air so tainted

the water so too

with the wild feral creatures

all trapped in our zoo


the good that was nature

is contaminated

and we as a race

are now relegated


to choking for air

scrambling for food

slaves in the forest

blatantly crude


everything’s gone

ripped up and burned

and no body in cities

are remotely concerned


Fracking pads everywhere

Fracking pools too

pollution is rife

now what did we do


the bilderberg moguls

their castles stand high

the rest of the people

are waiting to die


vaccinations are coming

chem trails are too

alzeimers and autism

just think it through


we took the wrong path

we slept for too much

we listened to grey suits

all so out of touch


the earth had such promise

but we listened to lies

believing the crap

put out by the wise


green a fine name

for a victim its true

a little red ape

and soon

all of you




About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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