An impenetrable shield around the earth
incoming missiles, blown
clouds of electrons every which way
that was ever known
worldwide communications
lost in the ionosphere
and bursts of radiation
to spread the doom and fear
to redirect the jetstream
and control the weather, and
cause flooding on a massive scale
right across the land
this the ultimate weapon
born out of a sick soul
imagine with its illusive strings
its music the control
to communicate with submarines
a dominating force
for arrogance has risen
with ignorance at source
an ionospheric heater
to microwave the sky
to create some human chaos
though few of us know why
what once was dense dark forest
is now this complex site
18-0 antenna’s
searching through the light
visually demanding
a complete band of poles
an array of alien masts that sweep
and all of it controls
like some alien city its seemingly rings true
its transmittter shelters
diesel powered they rapidly now screw
raw output can be sent aloft
so hard to understand
the immense power that is generated
creating a great band
the high frequencing active aural reasearch programme
its called
a school of thought
is it has bought
the mighty have over hauled
every single reason
for defying what we know
a weapon of such amazing power
thats quietly there on show
carrying out surveillance
that phased array radar can
monitoring a million objects
with each single scan
a new world order instrument
apparently we hear
the music of eugenics
played out loud and clear
everything seems possible
but few know what it does
its a monstrous application
with a very perculiar buzz