He wouldn’t stop yelping
poor little mite
covered in fleas
that’s fleas that do bite
of course he’d be yelpjng
just a tiny soul
but his bloody human
was out of control
no brains to speak of
just no idea
so he got down some chilli
sprayed it in his ear
squirted it wildly into his eyes
and down his throat
one of the dumb guys
a tiny baby doesn’t deserve
this brand of torture
oh what a nerve
what a brute of idiot
that’s what they do
an arse 3rd class
that is my view
the puppy beside itself
clearly he thought
what ever had happened
somehow he’d caught
some, awful fluids
that burned him so hot
he couldn’t see
and his throat hurt a lot
the girl friend
then rushed him to the fire station where
they doused him in water
and tried to care
this creep of a bloke
had best get out of town
for what he did to this pup
someone should drown
him with a big hos pipe
stuff it up his arse
and turn on full power
flight sargeant first class
this was abuse at the highest degree
and he needs a long stay
in the penitentiary