Energy thats clean and green
is seen as some as most obscene
it means that the energy corporation
feel a certain exasperation
they need to maintain their collaboration
its what they see as regeneration
of a profit base for them alone
the patchwork quilt
of there’s is sewn
up and energy that is free
Tesler and his science be
out there hidden, underwraps
and association
of mishaps
Nuclear Power
and Fukashima
you would have to stay a dreamer
imagining the hell out there
the Pacific ocean and its despair
there radiation is everywhere
the deaths are coming be aware
and I ‘m not really tryinbg to scare
you on anyone we don’t need
this dirty energy
you will bleed
alone you will
to the charge I’ve made
the corporations
their stock in trade
is cream off the margins and
and keep us sick
you see they never miss a trick