More slaughter takes places every year
outside the cove at Taiji
this is in the northern parts
without the publicity
2 men boats go out to sea
and take the porpoise they
are always killed
and many of them
out there the blood is spilled
some reach weights of 500 pounds
these are handsome souls
living on Hake and Skate I hear
and the japanese have goals
they take around 20,000
thats a lot a meat
thats a lot victim’s
in Iwate they are discreet
Taiji gets the interest
the camera’s all go
filming at the cove of death
where everything’s on show
In Iwate now that’s killing
and its not a cultural thing
its been happening really since
the whaling ban
they couldn’t bring
all those huge great whales
and so the smaller souls
are slaughtered
many of them
to try to meet the goals
Pilot whales and beaked whales
are also being killed
it all done very quietly
the fisherman are thrilled
Japan is quite remarkable
how she carries on
and probably will be killing them
till everyone is gone
thats despite Fukashima
and the radioactive soup
and despite all that mercury
they still tay in the loop
their sashimi and they sushi stuff
that’s is what they eat
Minamata has been forgotten
by Japan’s elite
with all this radiation
spreading far and wide
eating from the seas around Japan
it must be suicide
but still they want to do that
apparently they feel
culture is a price worth paying
despite what we reveal
20,000 porpoises
are dying every year
and now loaded with radiaoactive
strontium I fear
Strontium has a half life
of about 600 years
so in a nutshell that may mean
and awful lot of tears