all the above mentioned were families
they believed
they had time to live out their lives
and were mighty aggrieved
to realise that man unkind was after them and they
would have to die and pretty soon
to be cooked on Christmas Day
to die the thought was terrible
the night before they cried
they shuddered and they shivered
and they shit themselves inside
their prayer was very silent
it sort of goes like this
if only more were vegan
our lives would just be bliss
instead its one of nightmares
to think our children might
be roasted or put in sandwiches
it just doesn’t seem right
by boxing day
the are tired of us
we end up in some stew
or maybe fed to tiddles
who doesn’t know what to do
its such a shame that carnivores
believe their protein source
is us because in point of fact
it just isn’t of course