Temple Authorities kept
a wild elephant chained up
for 7 whole years
he couldn’t move forwards
he couldn’t move backwards
in some dirty old shed
it appears
the chains were so tight
they cut into the skin
just the slightest of movement
and he
was in so much pain
and it drove him insane
this is not how an earthling
should be
no freedom to trumpet
no nothing at all
Those Temple Authorities
should be hung on a wall
left their to realise
just how it feels
to be so neglected
just what it reveals
in themselves to be left
with such feelings of woe
like Sunder has felt
as most of us know
Peta, Sir Paul McCartney
Pamela Anderson, they
added their weight
to the world wide debate
and at last it appears
it did pay
off from Mumbai to Bangalore
Sunder is going to be
taken away from that shit hole
and transferred to a nice sanctuary
scars are all over his body
he’s been beaten and tortured as well
not just neglected not just underfed
but taken in part off to hell
his handlers were short tempered bastards
who shouted at him and used whips
now he is rocking and swaying
clearly he’s losing his chips
developing some sick psychosis
why wouldn’t he
what he’s gone through
man un kind are really dreadful
if only he had been left free
to wander the plains or wherever
life for him would have been great
instead man un kind whose abundantly blind
and ignorant spelt out his fate
it was terrible, awful his sadness
took on a dark shadow and he
died on his feet as an elephant
and really is now a zombie