Clearly the common purpose was to set the `Badgers tasks
get them out of harms way and all armed with hot flasks
of hedge hog wine and field mice ears and in that drunken state
they would be deep in their sett and not succumbing to their fate
of being shot by shooters clearly our strategy
worked for less than 30% of the target kill and we
can clap our hands together and say aloud that we
help to save our badger friends from the adversity
Owen Paterson was no doubt upset but then he
didn’t really understand the peoples policy
we try to safeguard wild ones for they need our support
cattle and the ranchers are not worthy of thought
they are about profit the corporate world of shame
they let the cattle suffer and let the badgers take the blame
there is a higher authority than the Government
and so
in the great big scheme of things
their karmic debt does grow
these banksters live in real worlds far beyond and they
will make sure those who murder badgers in time
that they pay