The canine tribe are once again
the guinea pigs
it seems that General Electric
needs to know
whether strings of lights
for Christmas festivities
work or not
a test is undertaken to kind of show
them all the wiring has been
done completely
and they can test it on these dogs
to see
if they get a shock
then clearly things are not ok
but otherwise can be shipped off
its not fair to use live dogs
for this purpose
to me it smacks of being
so unfair
already some have died from shocks
they underwent
and others too experienced
gross despair
GE has got to realise
these dogs have rights
they cannot be maimed or killed
for some idea
they have to be appreciated
not just bloody killed
or left alone shaking in great fear
why is it no one really cares for animals
on any situation they are used
a corporation like this should be mindful
for otherwise we know they are abused
they are not paid and are voiceless in regard to that
and so they get this treatment foisted upon
but we are here the lot of us to remonstrate
otherwise too many will be gone