How much more callous can one get
than to take a big strong hook
and pass it through a canines nose and jaw
who’d want to look
but on Reunion Island
its happening today
the fishermen think its clever
to get rid of the stray
dogs that run about the place
and so what they all do
is catch the strays
and use them as live bait
they are clueless too
it eliminates the strays dogs
and provides them with live bait
wriggling in the water
for sharks its just blooming great
and they can catch some big one’s
but just imagine that
the fear its clear its unbelievably
sadistic where they are at
struggling in the water
creating and bleeding too
the sharks will come for certain
what else would they do
this is vile behaviour
heartless brutes who use
a living animal earthling
and blatantly abuse
its taking so many liberties
with creation if you ask me
and should be regarded as a criminal act
and shame them instantly
there can be no compassion
in a man’s heart if he feels
this is what is perfectly al right
for it reveals
an evil that’s so gross so dark
these fishermen should be
hooked up to their boats
and dragged behind them
let them see
the fear factor the horror
that clearly these dogs feel
let them now experience it
let them feel for real
as a shark takes a lump out of them
those great teeth flashing white
just give them the experience
of feeling one shark bite
I must admit I thought of all that rather quicker than normal but it could work and prevent them from doing it again.