Pete Singer tells us
how he feels man’s progress might
be seen
he says with the end of slavery
which I agree was most obscene
but sadly its not over
the African’s its true
have got a measure of freedom
but slavery burn’s through
The chocolate trade
and the sugar trade
sees children, slaves for they
unpaid and many stolen from their families
working very long hours everyday
basically for the corporates
who profit from it all
for the public are either unaware
or care not, as a rule
Take women all around the world
slaves many still are
they work
they care
for little cash reward
who is aware?
of what so many women do
the men,
the governments
they don’t care
we are treating human beings
still with moments of despair
of course the blessed animals
are in my eyes, for I
write about them every day
why so many have to die
all treated very badly
again its the corporate thing
and people on a string
many families homeless
the corporates again
fractional banking
the gangsters
in the frame
the animals are suffering
the women are suffering too
I want this world to realise
just what the corporates do
marginalise so many
the indigenous who were
the guardians of the environment
which few now will concur
but they are badly treated
again such poor respect
for a proud and honourable people
no Pete I reject
the idea that the people
are not slaves to the cause
we need to think how badly off
we are
and sadly pause
to increase the awareness
for all subjugated souls
the people who I have mentioned
and the animal earthling roles
all need looking after
the measure of a race
is how they treat the animals and each other
and this grace
needs to be remembered
value is the thing
every earthling on this planet
has a reason now to bring
and so we must go forward
realizing their worth
is what we have to take on board
to continue on this earth
everyone has value
every earthling too
we must not waste
we must re use
this is what we do
we must conserve
we must respect
and love each other
for each of us has one life here
lets make people free