“Fiona”( if you’d known her you would love her too)

A phone call
just a voice
and off we set
to find
a victim
they are everywhere of course
but this one was enough to blow
our mind
in amongst the roadside brooms
the clutter the graffiti
saw this little curly soul
staring rather aimlessly

crouching down not being noticed
just a lonely child
dismissed by all and sundry
but clearly meek and mild
we took a closer look at her
her hair was in her eyes
but we could say that she was blind
that we did realise

sitting in the darkness
aware of life beyond
frightened the unknowing noises
her loneliness a bond
of sorts she was aware of us
and in a towel I took
her little body carefully
within herself she shook

on the way back we called her
“Fiona” that was her name
and brought her into our house
flea ridden to exclaim
anything but wonder
for her body was racked and sore
the flea’s had had their way with her
like we’d never seen before

we shaved those parts that were very bad
and washed her liberally
and she became our favourite
she bounced about and we
took her to see Michael Chang
the surgeon and he said
he could make one eye better
and had and we have fed

her well and she is wonderful
she has responded to
the love we showered all over her
it shows you what love can do
and how she gives some love back
her loyalty is so sweet
and now she’s been adopted
and by now she is bound to greet
her new sweet family people
its a story of love and care
one little dog was saved
and more of us are now aware

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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