Elephants painting

What is it about tourists
they seem, really naive
give an elephant a brush
and most seem to believe
that they would want to paint a picture
having the perspective for
creation quite organically
but what most do ignore

is elephants have never painted pictures
on their own
its only after getting in with man un kind
they have shown
some acumen in this regard
and only as we know
after they are broken in
“phaa jan” just watch it go

they really always had before
this spirit of being wild
which underpinned their status
but when it was reconciled
or went out the door completely
in the training process they
caged up without food
or water
the whole thing went away

the torture after all was crude
it was painful and insensitive
to the elephant and their need
when there spirit is broken
then with them you will succeed
at painting and at earning money
then they will conform
paint all sorts of offerings
face all kinds of storm
with a peaceful demeanour
clearly they see the light
it seemed better to go along with man
than ever try to fight

so supporting elephant painting
by going to to where they are
means you support the torture
which is of course now far
and away the only reason why elephants
would be
picking up and brush and painting
so very beautifully

voice commands are issued
and a rather hefty nail
is rammed into the elephant trunk
you bet inside it does wail
the trunk is extra sensitive
and a nail pushed in hurts lots
so they tend to just do anything
for these crafty little snots

that’s why the elephant paints
a quiet life seemingly
better than long hours of pain
and such adversity
being anxious about soreness
and aware of what they do
that is why the elephant paints
and presents its gift to you

these men are really spiteful
to a creature that could ram
their brains right down into their socks
leave them looking more like spam
but they tend to be much kinder
not as wilful as you’d think
and allow their spirit to be broken
without kicking up a stink

but the elephant never ever
forgets what it goes through
and one day it might just recall
and take it out on you
for if you were its master
it waited for its chance
and one day when you have forgotten
it wont feel like romance

they may tread on you or crush
or whip you with their trunk
that’s when you suddenly realise
that your world, has just sunk
the elephant, never forgets
the harm that was dished out
and may compensate the unkind man
who then knows what its about

its the secret that big secret
that’s seldom in the news
but the elephant has been waiting
he had all the clues
he was extra patient
and he was very strong
but what we did to make him paint
he’s now confirmed was wrong

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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