Its devastatingly arrogant
what some of us might do
which in a nutshell actually
is worse than any zoo
all wild animals everywhere
were created to be
where they were put
is where they ought to be
that is amongst their families
in the environment they need
that is where they are happy
and most likely to succeed
taking them from that habitat
and bringing them away
keeping them like pets
inside your home
wanting to stay
around them
isn’t kindness
its ignorance from you
its most unkind to do this
it shows your clueless too
they will miss their families
they will miss their place
they will miss their environment
where life went at a pace
they will miss their freedom
to do what they would do
especially if they are holed up in some
cage looking at you
they eat what they were born to eat
they hunt, they learn their ways
are spent building their repertoire
for experience always pays
and taking them away from where they were born
is always wrong
and they die a little everyday
for they just don’t belong
inevitably there is conflict too
they are fed with the wrong thing
perhaps they get neglected
and its begins to bring
mental trauma upon them
remember they are wild
your home might be extremely nice
but they are the first wild child
they need the trees to play in
they need the litter floor
they need to drink fresh water
not bottled from the store
they need whatever they need
not what you deem to give
the wild ones are the wild ones
and that is how they live