Just like a walk in the forest

I dare not close my eyes
for fear of missing you
its easy in the night time hours to be
dreaming of some journey to another world
and miss that look that might just
be for me
I laid my head sort of on the pillow
and looked out at the blackness
that was night
there was an eerie silence in the forest
where an owl was hooting somewhere from a height

a golden moon hung gently just above the trees
and shone down on us, as the woods took on a glow
eyes peered from every thicket
offering up a ticket
to somewhere so sublime
where we could go

clearly our warm breath sent airy spirals
out into the forest which did climb
up into the tree tops to help to glaze the branches
it was where the frost emerged and time
made the air much colder even powdery
and we mortals wrapped in Gothic dress
swam into the perils of the moment
as gently to ourselves we did confess

at being rather frightened by the blackness
by the starkness by the curdling refrain
the wind was coming up from the dark places
cutting into both of us again
that’s really when our clothes felt a bit flimsy
and left our bodies feeling rather cold
I held her hand it was about as cold as mine
in many ways I knew that I was sold

on her for she was everything I ever loved
not very tall but strong and full of zest
she could run and climb and jump
she was really special
really almost up to any test

we got out of that wood it took us several hours
but she was the inspiration in my soul
her warm hand on mine just kind of really kept me going
helped me in a way to just control
the nerves a bit for when the wind goes crazy
being in a forest dark and wild
can really put the wind up you I have to say
but with her she was really the wild child

able to concoct a meal of sorts she could
she foraged and we kept our spirits high
I love her for her fortitude and caring
we got out of there in essence which is why
I love to be around her for life matters
in the darkest moments we could be
able to keep going our emotions
out there with the best extraordinarily

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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