The hog roast
is a sick event
threaded on a spike
and laid across the
hot white coals
head still on
what are they like?
extreme heat
rising upwards
bubbling the skin
sizzling and drizzling
the oil and it does spin
the smell of a charred body
soaking up the air
getting up the nostrils
so many unaware
of all that death and sadness
despite the head on show
the children look on avidly
and the parents just dont’ know
this piece of crisped up body
yesterday was out
wandering in the farmyard
and looking all about
grubbing up the thistles
ans inquisitively eyeing
the sunlight on the sty gate
and now its death defying
to see her burning body
to smell her innards she
will soon just a mass of bones
for all the world to see
her soul has flown to summerland
hopefully where she
will graze in verdant pasture
for all eternity