Escobar Pig Farm a place so cruel so vile so terrible

To witness this sickens me
down to my core
I cannot for the life of me
realise what for
why humans would do this
to pigs at the point
of death in one breath
their souls to annoint

spiteful and vicious
as rotten as hell
if this is a slaughterman
he’s a sadist as well
the pig has been covered in
paint and tattoo
and is helpless engulfed
in agony true

pitiless treatment is dolled
out and she
is clearly now suffering
its such devilry
a rusty old knife
about a foot long
gloating, they grimace
and they know that they are wrong

barbarous savage
they cannot have souls
demoniacal they lacks all controls
I have never witnessed
such evil before
this place must be closed down
the blood and the gore

words do not show you
its ominous there
the violence extreme
the torture will scare
and then men they pose
in its direst need
as it spurts out its life force
where does this lead

there are no excuses
the malice is there
an unholy joy in the
creatures despair
I can’t imagine the agony
has taken,
her passing
such blood thirsty savagery

this farm must be closed and
everyone there
locked up for ever
its going to tear
your heart out
its going to sicken you so
if you could eat pork after this
I don’t know

virulent vindictive violence
leaves me
shaking inside myself
such brutality
SPain holds the record
for evil I feel
and my faith in humanity
I cannot conceal

the horror the evil the sickness
I see
the limits of what is
true depravity
I rest my case
in a way I wish I
had not
had to watch
as these poor pigs did die

I feel their pain I so feel
the sin
man so unkind and so blind
that the skin
that covers your form
is as vile as can be
you are the monster
the vilest

we must all hang our heads
at what was a sinful stuff
uncaring unloving
relentless enough
unmerciful unmoved
their callousness, they
showed the whole world
such behaviour Today

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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