what kind of people work in slaughterhouses ( nobody I ever want to know that’s for sure)

Someone has to do the job
step up to the plate
look into the creatures eyes
and let them know their fate
see them dawdling shock them
force them to their death
shock them kick them brutalize them
quickly steal their breath

wake up every morning
kiss the wife farewell
catch the bus to where you work
and realise its Hell
leave your heart behind somewhere
and then collect your pain
your agony your sickness
and experience it again

the fearful flight of fancy
when you wrap up in your whites
you put your filthy gauntlets on
and turn on all the lights
you get your blade made ready
and in come victims and they
you dispatch them, one by one
that’s what you do all day

anyone who works there
degenerates real fast
some enjoy the killing
they find that its a blast
and take it out on all these souls
and hurt them if they can
others are just brain dead
their life went down the pan

maybe for some other reason
their empty loner types
eating meat like crazy
and dishing out the swipes
really getting crazier
as the weeks pass by
and sometimes they do get to you
when they look you in the eye

that’s when it can hit home
and it can touch the heart
but most just switch off all the time
as soon as they start
the cutting and the murder
and observe the twitching souls
dancing on the rusty chains
in various types of roles

what makes a man
do this job
its a man job yes I hear
well I release my status
for killing isn’t near
to me and I would never
pick a blade up and slash
the throat of some sweet innocent
I’d have to make a dash

who works in the slaughterhouse
slaughter men of old
hearts they most have dried up and gone
and their really cold
nothing really works for them
the killing just goes on
and all they do is kill and kill
till all the souls are gone

excuses there are many
but really they haven’t any
what they do they do
and that just sees
them through the week
they earn they burn
they turn themselves
into the vile obnoxious souls
whose karmic bank account
is badly overdrawn and poles

apart for they are abusing
their status in this world
actually cutting the life plan
of each soul who has been hurled
suddenly into nothingness
ahead no one can say
their passing was so stressful
their bodies eaten right away

what becomes of broken hearts
and bodies cooked and chewed
what becomes of people who acted
and were lewd
with the respect that they were born with
but chose to throw away
these questions I can’t answer
its just that they will pay

a high price as will their employers
and the public too who chose
to consume the poor cadavers
whose lives Yes they did lose
creation looks unfavourably
to the loss of life for she
is the mother of creation
which she will always be

cutting life short
is a vile behaviour
we call it murder and that is
the right
word to use to so abuse
our station
is tantamount to heinous
and the might

of universal principle
will harm those
who take on this destruction
for they must
pay for all the energy that’s
and in a nutshell transformed
into dust

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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