Flashing hooves
and mirrored eyes
across the plains
wherein now lies
a fertile mind
and spirit too
to save the mustangs
and be true
they sprung into the
morning air
and ran their course
just everywhere
their character is all for one
wild that is their forte here
till congress kind of did appear
with forage and with water they
can live their lives and every day
the Bureau of land management
who is far away from heaven sent]
wants to wipe them all away
and send them packing so they say
heartless fools who sit and ponder
and with precious money squander
why would anyone decide
to kiil wild horses,and is it denied
or is it confirmed what’s it to be
another slaughtering policy
these souls their thunder
increases and
they run together across the land
history is their desire
livestock that would just be dire
cattle we have so much here
wild is best of that I’m clear
the mustangs are the way to go
because they are always in the flow