Like everything its business
its generating sales
ammunition is ongoing
advertising pales
into insignificance
the money generated
fostering a lot of trade
more than has been stated
weaponry all sorts of things
and accessories as well
clothing its big business
sending souls to hell.
the four by fours
and the varied equipment
and the camping gear
its all part of the act
the camouflage the
splifs that keep you happy
whatever turns you on
and how you react
the skinning knives
the chemicals
the cold box
the whole palarver
the whole shooting match
then of course the hunters
dead from the neck up
except the sexual gratification
flowing from their cup
watching some poor innocent
crawling on all fours
crying in it misery
out of its painful jaws
an arrow in its shoulder
frothing in distress
and this is what just turns them on
but few of them confess
hunting trapping its a low life
thing to kill and maim
how can assassination ere be called
a game
theres no chance for the animal
ambushed and shot through
with highly powerful rifles
and powerful crossbows too
the industry of killing
our wild souls who all share
the countryside and the forest
and are also not aware
they sell the nasty business
they count their hordes of dough
their hearts of course they are broken
they were broken long ago