
Australia has really got to get
itself in gear
its making strange decisions
affecting the folk born here
yea we’re small I give you that
and of course we live in trees
we are your arboreal cousins
we are trying to please
we’re iconic, and tourists
come in by the thousands
just to see
Koala’s that’s the reason
really why I make my plea

what do I eat?well leaves of course
the Eucalypt’s that’s why
you need to keep them standing
and peering at the sky
already drought and fire
can minimise our store
with protein being lessened
and tannin being more

as marsupials we are worried
for the future of our breed
its not exactly easy
to continue to succeed
with you lot putting highways
through the parks where we
live and die and really try
to wonder where you be

In Sydney or in Canberra
in a high rises made of glass
making your decisions
as the bloody sports cars
and well over the speed limit
but what you fail to see
is the little folk the Koala’s
who need the nice tall tree

most of the time we are sleeping
dreaming of another day
when we can have a picnic
leaves just leaves
what do you say
you with myriad choices
to us who only know
leaves and you are doing away
with them so where to go

we don’t drink so we are thinking
we live some 14 years
the males are going through it
us females have our tears
we get infections in our urinary system,
which kind of pains a bit
but cutting all our trees down
and leaving us in the s**t

you need to just start thinking
what it is you need
do you need pollution
and lots of extra greed
or do you need some fresh clean air
some green leaves, yea and us
the Koala’s the iconic ones
there’s nothing to discuss

really we are born here
raised here we’re the one’s
who ought to get protection
from these evil concrete runs
that bring in speed and accidents
and rape the countryside
really we were born here
that cannot be denied

and you make the decisions
you have the where for all
do you want us iconic souls
who children think are cool
or do you want to see the back of us
along with the kangaroo
for without us
why Australia
would they come to see you ?

sitting in your offices
pin striped ties and suits
in your detached bungaloe’s
forgetful of your roots
importing all the technology
thats ruining the earth
and thinking yourselves clever
creating your own worth

the decision I leave it to you
it would be nice if we
could carry on living where we were put
and not face misery
but then you are the humans
the two legs and you make
the decisions that could ruin us
and the poets heart could break

*copies sent to Australian wild life service
animals Australia
Australian wild life
Australian Government memes
lets hope the Koala’s get some help and the
Japanese paper and the 4 lane roads through parks
get some consideration

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to “Koala”

  1. Noelene Evans says:

    Well said Rex. Thank you for putting into words what a lot of us feel about the Australian government’s lack of commitment towards it’s beautiful wildlife! Hope they sit up and take notice soon before it’s too late!

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