I find it quite remarkable
that the human being feels
it actually would be better
to take on the appeals
their subtle really
they are in your face
with the packaging and display
with the advertising material
that goes on everyday
The governments are wary
may be they understand
they want to share the action
the fire now it is fanned
is burning in the marketplace
and profits are afoot
so the government wants some of that
I hope I’ve kind of put
their “soul” responsibility
into the melting pot
because they add their vat
then it costs a lot
more than if unprocessed
and therefore cheaper for
the consumer in the long run
who can choose to eat more
and there’s much more reason to
do this than buy into their craze
of juicing everything in sight
which creates a new malaise
lets take the goddess apple
a wonderfully packaged fruit
containing all the fibre
and juice blended to suit
whatever taste we are after
its there all we have to do
is take bites from it
use our teeth and saliva
and just chew
that activates our digestion
that cleanses as it goes
all the antioxidants
and phytonutrients shows
all the fine trace elements
in the right proportion
balanced and presented
without the vile contortion
pick an apple from a tree
what better fresher taste
chew it slowly taste its glory
nothing goes to waste
feel how good it makes you
its generosity
created out of rain and shine
and wind and its all free
now take the other variety
juiced oh! dearie me
the complex world of processing
comes home and where are we
we cannot be where juicing
takes place
we’re far away
which is when the juice processor
starts to make their play
in fact they never meet us
our nutrition is not their bent
they want to make a profit
for all the time they spent
processing these apples
bottling them they see
the original fruit as nothing
unlike you and me
creation they discounted
they can better show
by crushing the perfect package
that was fashioned on the tree
and cooking it and removing
the taste known as top notes
and changing it and manipulating
what goes down our throats
they can standardise our
in fact they can control
but nature she knew better
she gave that product soul
and we just destroyed it
and in doing so we changed
the concept she was offering us
and as we re arranged
the whole it became less
nutritionally it was poor
the fibre now was wasted
so what was it all for
profit is the simple answer
at the expense of health
the prophet was the one
who left the bottle
on the shelf
and went and picked the apple
for the profit then was there
fresh and the human processor
with digestive juices share
the aeons of production
the rain the breeze and sun
the rich composted loam of love
that together had been spun
smoothies ah! another money spinner
in the pot
Innocent not coca cola
saying that is rot!
a mish mosh of flavours
with added sugar too
and even fibre sometimes
in the form of flour
it won’t do
its adding complications
to what would have been
the whole
fresh fruit salad
is possible seasonally
great soul
but picked from any region
and presented in this way
is too complex an issue
to profit on today
in Americana Tropicana
is Pepsi Cola’s they
are making quite a killing there
and yes taking away
the naturalness of fresh fruit
presenting it so we
can open up our cartons
and swallow instantly
I say this from the heart
Nature she knows best
she is up to all of it
she surpasses every test
she creates and equilibrium
she’s good at it for she
wants the best for all of us
and really that is key
I urge you to remember this
when at the superstore
and now the ruination
is coming more and more
high fructose corn syrup
aspartame and more
now get into the action
and create a mini war
inside your marvellous bodies
affecting your brilliant brain
chemical resistance
try not to be profane
respect our mothers intuition
and her marvellous care
pick an apple
enjoy the taste
and thank Goddess it was there