Black painted fences where souls were chained

black painted fences
and the senses
lost behind what was
souls chained tightly
how unsightly
starved and emotionally
drained of care
enduring such despair

and there they were
lost souls behind
black painted fences
and to find
one black pit bull
whose sunken eyes
and lifeless body
did realise
its hapless state
just to endure
the purgatory
without cure

such suffering
such evil shows
there are no words
a sensation grows
so forlorn was he
so mortified
a wretch in need
dead inside

to have orchestrated
this suffering
to regret
well it just will not do
it won’t help those
victims one tiny iota
that pain is ingrained
and that’s true

Michael Vick
what you did
there is no way back
the darkness is yours
for all time
remorse its for you
to recount what you did
and immerse yourself
in the dogs chyme

feel what they went through
know how they suffered
experience that if you can
remain in the shadows
try to be wiser
for nobody will be your fan

anyone seeing the souls
that you left
chained up and sad to the core
can never get those thoughts now
out of their heads
its still there
its still very raw

but you never saw it
you never felt it
oblivious to all that pain
earthlings have much deeper
feelings they suffer
and they suffered time and again

maybe the love they received
after that
has dulled up their loss of the past
but my understanding of their
depth of feeling
is it will never leave them
its cast

in their sweet psyche for ever
and regrets do not hold any sway
to abuse any innocent soul
as was here
means it will take a lifetime
to pay

and perhaps, another and another
for the grief stricken who must desire
some demonstration that torturers get
their moment too in the fire

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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