Yasuni (virgin jungle that must prepare its self)

For whatever reason, Yasuni
its 1% or so, will be transformed
into chaos and mayhem
for we know
a place that’s so diverse
so special really, a vast dream
may be turned into Hell on Earth
by Big Oil and their team

Chevron showed its colours
already and we know
Oil exploration is hit and miss
and so
helping to conserve
is not the industries point of view
getting one’s hands on oil is for
that is what they do

Yasuni is a myriad of marvel
forests of such splendour
there to see
when the axe does fall
it will be shared by all
the vision and the life force
it will be
lost in all the squalor
of the moment
a symphony of violence and desire
a cacophony of magical endeavour
now designated for the
teeth of fire

none should dare
to contemplate the aftermath
its coming
we can see and hear the pain

where everything we ever
hoped and cared about
is lost forever
down the crude oil drain
its only 1% but that’s the beginning
destruction is destruction
and can be
evident in any spacial consequence
as abundance becomes loss
and tragedy

regrets there will be some
there really has to be
animals will die
and great trees fall
vegetation and its wondrous
must sit back an be ready
for the trawl
the JCB’s and what is
the mark of evil
its coming with a thunder
all will hear
the goal to extract crude oil
from the bowels
of dear Yasuni
and take it far away
to create cheer

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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