Wolf Killers posing with their dead souls

that people like us
would think people
like them
we would ever discuss
except to say
their ruthlessness
just sickens me
trapping and brutalizing
wild souls who be

lost in their own world
their own habitat
by sick individuals
who just feel all pat
about leaving contraptions
to kill and to maim
for really they are doing it
in our name

we want our fur coats
we want our stole
we want our fur gloves
it was our goal
we want our fur lined boots
we want it all
and we shut our eyes
when the shit hits the wall

posing, with one’s family
as proud as can be
shows me how sick and sad
is this family
such a women beside a sweet child
with 4 handsome wolves
so awfully defiled

by her man her brave man
how proud they all feel
I say one short sentence
you lot must get real
to the fact that you’ve murdered
4 innocent souls
who did you no harm
and were just many poles
apart in their sentient quality
from you
who have so little feeling
in what you now do

as for your child
its a pity, I feel
to have parents who kill
and for him it is real
he will not be able
to hide from that fact
but in time who knows
he may just react
differently hearing
the handsome souls scream
and wondering whether
he can redeem

his soul and continue
to fight tooth and nail
to save them not kill them
there in lies a tale

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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